Thursday, June 30, 2011

Heey People.

Hello People,

Let me introduce myself. I'm a stranger. Because I don't want to say my name. Im 15 years old and I'm a girl. I'm not English or Brittish or whatever... So my english sucks. (and my typing isn't not quite the best)
I life in The Netherlands in the city of Amsterdam. I'm going to tell you about my life. This blog is for me a sort of digital blog. I think that teenage girl would like my blogs the most because they can relate.

Sothis is my life so far:

I'm Dutch... But not entirely...
My parents are from Suriname, That's a country above Brazil. And there ancestors come from India. So I see myself as a Indian girl. We call that Hindoestani. 
My parents divorced when I was the age of 6/7. I was quite defistated. (but thats too boring to talk about)
Well I'm In the 3th class of the VWO. Schools system is quite difficult to explain in english sorry.
I have two sides:
Side 1: The happy go lucky girl. Thats how everyone sees me. Always happy sometimes quiet. Laughing all the time.
Side 2: Me... Creative, silent, drowning im my own thoughts. This is the side my family sees me. Cauz this is how i have been all my life. Overemotional and putting my emtions away for later.

Me: is a combination of those two people.

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